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Term Papers on How Muslims Were Treated in Medieval Spain

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Greensboro Sit-Ins »

A 5 page paper which examines the Greensboro sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Islamic History in Spain »

This essay examines the period of time in Spain during which the land was under Islam rule. The paper examines the impact that the Muslims had on Spanish architecture, art and music. Bibliograpy lists 4 sources.
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First Crusade from the Islamic Perspective »

A 4 page paper discussing the Muslim view at the beginning of the First Crusade. The Crusaders’ mission was to regain Jerusalem, the holiest ground of the Christian faith, from the grasp of the Muslims. Though the Muslims had waged a half-hearted holy war against the Byzantine empire, ...
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Post 9 11 and Civil Rights »

This 5 page paper compares civil rights after September 11th with rights that were allowed during WWII. Present day treatment of Middle Easterners and Muslims in America is compared with how Japanese were treated during the 1940s. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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Muslim Women's Rights »

A 12 page paper discussing aspects of Muslim women's rights. The rights of Muslim women vary widely across geographical space and within the laws of countries where Muslims constitute the majority of the population. Muslim women have few rights in some countries, but the paradox is that they ...
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Spain and the Impact of the Spanish-American War »

In this 10 page paper the author shows that much resentment and hostility resulted from the Spanish-American War of 1898 between Spain and the United States. Spain, who had been a political leader with regard to colonial rule, all but lost their powerful control as a result of the brief ...
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United States and War with Spain »

A 3 page paper which examines why the United States became involved in a war with Spain in the 1880s. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Civil Rights Movement and Civil Disobedience »

A 3 page review of the importance of non-violent tactics in the Montgomery bus boycott and the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins. The author of this paper concludes that while not all is equal in the U.S. today, these key movements served to level the playing field substantially. Bibliography ...
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Sudan's Continuing Civil War »

This 4 page report discusses the civil war between the Muslim-led government against non-Muslim black rebels since Sudan gained independence in 1956. The government controls little territory in the southern part of the state and regional boundaries are drawn according to ethnic and historical battle lines. The southerners of the ...
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Islamic Militarism Since 600 A.D. »

A 5 page research paper that discusses the history of Islamic militarism. One hears a great deal, in this age of Islamic terrorism, about how the Muslim instigators of indiscriminant violence are not true "Muslims." However, an overview of Islamic militarism shows that, as with Christianity, violence and aggression are ...
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Medieval Italian History and Literature »

A 15 page research paper that offers brief (generally 1 page) synopses of essays that deal with Italian medieval society. Then the writer offers a more extended analysis of parts of Patricia Skinner's 2001 text Women in Medieval Italian Society; a brief essay on Dante's Inferno and Otto of ...
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Feudalism of Medieval England »

A 6 page research paper exploring the elements of medieval feudalism in England. Descriptions of what constituted medieval feudalism, reason for wars, status of women and the decline of the feudal system are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 references.
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The French Revolution and Changing Alliances »

This 14 page paper discusses the varying relationships that emerged between France, the United States, Great Britain and Spain before, during, and after this turbulent time in history. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Disasters of War and Francisco Goya »

Francisco de Goya was considered the most influential European artist of his time. Most of his career was spent as artist to the court of Spain so a great deal of his more noted works were portraits done of the various royal personages and families that occupied the throne ...
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American Colonists, England, France, and Spain and Their Treatment of Native Americans »

This 10 page paper discusses the treatment of the Native Americans in North America by the imperial powers: Spain, France, England and American Colonists. Views of Francis Parkman examined. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Colonization and Effects on Native Americans »

A 4 page overview of the different approaches to colonization of Spain and Portugal verses England, France, and Holland in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Describes differences in their interactions with Native Americans. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Middle East Imperialism »

This 10 page paper how and why imperialism took place in the Middle East. The paper covers history form the emergence of written records up to The Treaty of Versailles. This includes the Hellenic conquest of Alexander the Great, the Roman conquest, the Crusades, the Suez Canal and the roles ...
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Global Consequences of the Spanish American War »

A paper which looks at the Spanish American war of 1895 – 1898, and the consequences which resulted for Spain, the USA, and the smaller countries struggling for independence from Spanish colonial rule, in terms of the way in which the conflict can still be seen to affect these ...
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Critical Analysis of American Slavery, American Freedom by Edmund S. Morgan »

A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes Edmund S. Morgan's book 'American Slavery, American Freedom.' Morgan argues that the simultaneous development of slavery and freedom represents the central paradox of early American history. This text goes far in explaining the paradox. No additional sources cited.
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1756 to 1763 French and Indian War »

This is a 5 page paper discussing the Seven Years’ War. The Seven Years’ War from 1756 to 1763, also known as the French and Indian Wars in North America, was considered the first world war as it found the British pitted against the French and Indian forces in North ...
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Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror »

5 pages. In this historical narrative of Medieval Europe, the author writes of French nobleman Enguerrand de Coucy who ruthlessly made himself wealthy by preying on the unfortunate peasants of the time period. The 14th century was a time of great horrors such as the plague and the Hundred Years ...
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Modern Culture, the Family, and the Individual »

This 6 page paper takes a look at both sides of the argument as to the positive and negative aspects of individuality. The myth of the family is discussed and the family through the ages, from medieval times, is documented. The paper concludes that individuality is a good thing ...
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Medieval War Tool the Trebuchet »

A 3 page description of this medieval tool of war. The author describes both the mechanics and the physics that affect trebuchet function. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Comparative Analysis of Holy Wars and Pilgrimages »

This 6 page paper considers the attitudes and perceptions of pilgrimage and holy war, and how medieval attitudes contrast with contemporary ones. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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Medieval Period Known as the Crusades »

This 5 page paper provides an overview of the crusades during Medieval times. Their mission is discussed as well as what was actually achieved by the crusaders. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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North and South Conflict and Slavery »

6 pages in length. Of the political, economic, social, and legal changes that effectively began to slowly but surely discharge just prior to the outbreak of Civil War, some of the most instrumental conflicts had to do with how blacks were treated by the whites, a social tension that ...
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Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Perspectives on Mental Illness »

An in-depth 12 page research paper on how poorly the mentally-ill were treated during the 18th and w19th centuries when terms such as "loony" and "insane" were common. Some of the ridiculous ideas from those years pertaining to how mental illness was caused are explored as well (i.e., partying, masturbation, ...
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The Poor Treatment of the American History »

This 8 page history paper examines Native Americans and the negative way they were treated. The paper argues that the United States launched a campaign that would end in death and destruction for the Native Americans and they did this without a thought to their natural human rights. Bibliography lists ...
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The Accuracy of American History Books »

This 5 page paper examines charges from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me. The paper argues that more contemporary history books are treating African Americans, Native Americans and other groups rather fairly. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Interactions Between Native Americans and Early Europeans from Columbus to Cortez »

A 4 page overview of the early interactions between Europeans and Native Americans. The author identifies the overriding goal of Spanish colonization as greed and relates the fact that that goal determined the manner the Spanish regarded and treated the indigenous inhabitants of the so-called "New World" as well ...
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Considering the Maya »

This 3 page paper examines the ancient Maya civilization, and argues that “popular” scholarship portraying the Maya as sophisticated, peaceful and scientific is wrong; they were warlike and Mayan city-states were at war with each other much of the time. The paper also touches on the way they treated captives. ...
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Mexico's Revolution and the Impact of Race and Class Issues »

A 10 page paper discussing the issues of class and race that led to Mexico's independence from Spain. It appears that the only lasting change resulting from the revolution was that Mexico did gain its independence from Spain. Class and race divisions existed before, and they existed afterward ...
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Care at the End of Life and Cultural Variations »

A 6 page discussion of the variation in the way we as families tend to the needs of our dying family members. The author notes that while at one time in U.S. history all families, irrespective of culture, took an active role in dying needs of their loved ones, ...
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History of Palestinian and Israeli Discord »

A 10 page paper that explores the history of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The causes of and the effects of religious conflicts between nations are both social and political. The conflicts are about authority, cultural practices, national boundaries, and personal sovereignty. The writer provides a brief historical timeline ...
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Spain in the Nineteenth Century and Catholic Influences »

(10pp) The nineteenth century in Spain began with the enmeshment of Church and State and concluded with complete separation. This discussion will look at some of the convoluted historical steps that occurred in between. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Armenian Genocide Accusations Against the Ottomans »

10 pages in length. Assessing the Armenian genocide not only immediately brings to mind the staggering numbers of people in this murderous episode, but it also warrants re-evaluation of whether or not this occurrence was truly mass extermination. While there is no denying an Armenian and Muslim tragedy, ...
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Historical Evaluation Death in the Venetian Quarter A Medieval Mystery by Alan Gordon »

This is a 5 page analysis of Gordon’s “Death in the Venetian Quarter: A Medieval Mystery” and additional comments on its historical context. Alan Gordon’s “Death in the Venetian Quarter: A Medieval Mystery” (2002) successfully combines elements of fact and fiction when unraveling a mystery during the end of the ...
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Medieval History Bias »

This eight page paper presents an overview of the ways bias might influence the telling of Medieval History. The historians from the era as well as modern day authors bring their own bias to the stories they write. Bibliography lists six sources.
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Individual Personality Trait Identification and Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow »

An 11 page paper describing an individual and relating the collection of personality and character traits to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, work expectations, motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic), personality and operating according to a systems approach. The individual who has been the ultimate subject of this paper is one cognizant ...
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Spanish Civil War Effects Upon Malaga, Spain »

A 10 page paper discussing the effects of the Spanish Civil War on this idyllic Iberian city on the Mediterranean coast. Malaga is an ancient city dating from the time of the Phoenicians; before that, it had been inhabited by even the earliest manifestations of modern man, the Neandertals. ...
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Native Americans in Spain as Beings or an Obstacle? »

Native Americans in Colonial Latin America: Fellow Human A 5 page discussion of the Spanish view of Native Americans in the Caribbean and Latin America. Describes Native Americans as being only an obstacle to Spanish goals. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Nineteenth Century Victorian England's Fallen Women »

This 11 page paper assesses the fallen women of 19th century England. This paper determines how these women were treated, their marginalization, and attempts at rehabilitation through religious means. This paper also defines the basic perspectives on prostitution in the 19th century and the way in which this influenced ...
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James Kirby Martin's Ordinary Courage »

A paper which looks at James Kirby Martin’s study of the experience of the Continentals during the Revolutionary War, in terms of their socio-economic disadvantage in civilian life and the way in which they were treated by the government once their service had been completed. Bibliography lists I source.
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Medieval Perspectives on Religion by Keith Thomas and Eamon Duffy Compared »

A 5 page analysis of Eamon Duffy's The Stripping of the Altars and Keith Thomas' Religion and the Decline of Magic. The writer argues that Duffy differs from the standard view of this period and the causes of the Reformation, while Thomas, essentially, supports the standard view. No additional sources ...
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1400 to 1700 Japanese Relations with the West »

This is a 5 page paper discussing Japanese foreign relations with the West between the years 1400 and 1700. The years from 1400 to 1700 in Japan covered three Japanese historical periods: the Muromachi Period (1333-1573); the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573-1603); and, the Edo Period (1603-1867) which also included the great ...
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The Crusades/Causes and Effects »

A 3 page paper discussing some of the causes and effects of the Crusades. History is filled with record of military conquests and in many cases the administration of tortures in the name of God. The Crusades was a collection of military invasions of Christian holy lands in ...
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Virginia, Cuba, and the Practice of Slavery »

This 15 page paper attempts to explain the differences in the way that Cuban slaves were treated as compared to those in the state of Virginia. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
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Spanish Civil War and Internalization »

A 5 page paper discussing factional reactions to the Spanish Civil War. Of course we know now that any revolution for democracy is born of an intense and pervasive desire for it. In the time of the Spanish Civil War, the bloody struggle was that of ideologies pitted against one another. ...
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1898 to 1948 Spanish History »

Spain was forced to grant independence to most of its colonies during the 1800s. The remaining colonies (Cuba and the Philippines) were lost to the United States in 1898 at the end of the Spanish-American War. This 5 page paper explores fifty years of Spanish history, from the end of the Spanish ...
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