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Term Papers on Pre-Colonial America

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A Review of How Did American Slavery Begin? »

A 5 page overview of the historical provided in the five separate essays which comprise this book. Comments on the injustice of one reviewers comments and provides a review which is targeted toward illuminating the common ideas and themes in the essays contained in "How Did American Slavery Begin". ...
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Abigail Adams' 'Remember the Ladies!' »

(5pp) As the wife of the second president, and the mother of the sixth, Abigail Adams was in a historic "front-row seat" to record America's early times and political history. She did this through active correspondence, and has provided a valuable and often humorous insight into the times. Bibliography lists 6 sources. ...
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Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecoeur's Letters from an American Farmer »

A 6 page discussion of the insight provided into European thought by this French author. Interestingly, Crèvecoeur only lived in the Americas for a relatively short period of time. He became a naturalized citizen, however, and even ventured out among the indigenous inhabitants of the country. His ...
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Strengths and Weaknesses of Southern Confederate General Robert E. Lee »

A twelve page paper which looks at Lee’s background and military career, and the way in which his strategies and tactics prolonged the Civil War whilst not allowing him to achieve a final victory over the Union forces despite his use of offensive tactics designed to compensate for the numerical ...
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Georgia Slaver »

A paper which looks at the various factors which combined to initiate the acceptance and legalisation of slavery in Georgia, which was the last colony to adopt the practice. The paper considers the economic, political and religious elements which gave rise to acceptance of slavery by Georgians, and the way ...
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George A. Rawlyk's 'The American Revolution and Nova Scotia Reconsidered' »

A 3 page review and analysis of George A. Rawlyk’s essay “The Ameircan Revolution and Nova Scotia Reconsidered.” No additional sources cited.
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American and Apache Wars »

A twelve page paper which looks at the origins and progress of the wars between the Apache Indians and the Americans during the nineteenth century, with reference to the different strategies which were employed by both sides, the role played by Apache leaders such as Geronimo, the importance of Apache ...
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Strategies in the 1777 Battle of Saratoga »

A twenty five page paper which looks at the strategies involved in the Battle of Saratoga of 1777, and the events which led up to this turning-point in the War of Independence. The paper considers such factors as the difficulties which the British commanders found in implementing their military tactics, ...
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'1676' by Stephen S. Webb »

A 5 page research paper that examines the thesis proposed by historian Stephen S .Webb in his book '1676: The End of American Independence.' Webb suggests that the root cause of the discord during 1676 was the independent ways of the American colonists and that their submission to empire was ...
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Comparing the American and French Revolutions in Terms of Causative Factors »

A 5 page discussion of the societal problems which spawned these two revolutions. This paper emphasizes that while the French Revolution was fought to end an absolute monarchy, the American Revolution was fought to preserve the independence to which American colonists had grown accustomed. Includes five pages of ...
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An 18th Century American »

A 5 page paper which examines life in 18th century America from a personal perspective. The paper primarily examines the Seven Years War. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Spanish Theologian and Historian Bartolome de las Casas »

A six page paper which looks at the involvement of the Spanish historian and theologian Bartolome de las Casas in the Spanish colonisation of the Americas. The writer described las Casas’ background and the way in which firstly acquiesced in the colonists’ management of the new settlements, but later criticised ...
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Book Review of Joseph J. Ellis’ His Excellency: George Washington »

In four pages this paper presents a review of Ellis’ acclaimed 2004 historical biography on the first President of the United States that considers how the author selected his choice of subject, the questions the author seeks to answer, the thesis the author argues, and how successful he is at ...
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Migration of Native Americans Causes and Consequences »

A 5 page overview of the pre-Columbian history of the people we call Native Americans. Includes possible reasons for their migration to the Americas and describes the complex evolution that resulted in many diverse cultures. Describes the division between the cultural regions separated by the Rio Grande river ...
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Possible Scenarios for Settlement in Colonial America »

A 4 page paper which examines the settlement patterns of the colonists in America and then discusses whether or not America could have found a more peaceful separation from England. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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What People in the Colonial Era Knew »

This 5 page paper explores the importance of learning and knowledge in colonial America. There is a focus on Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin and their thoughts about education and learning. The essay discusses the purpose of learning and what knowledge was perceived as the most valuable. Bibliography lists 6 ...
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Spanish and English Approaches to Colonial Slavery »

An eight page comparison of English and Spanish colonization of the Americas. Identifies the geographic range of each and the differences between the two countries in regard to issues like dealing with Native Americans, indentured servitude and slavery. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Early American History Law Contradictions »

This is a 10 page paper which discuss the Revolutionary War and the contradictions of the ideals that the war was fought for and the real affects of the war on African Americans and Native American Indians. The bibliography has 12 sources.
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Americans of the Nineteenth Century and Western Conquest »

This 5 page paper discusses the following two books specifically, both of which are diaries from that era: "Chardon's Journal at Fort Clark" and "The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin". This paper examines their experiences in the West versus their expectations and the expectations of the people of ...
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Two Canadian Historical Writings Compared »

This is an 8 page paper comparing two different articles by Canadian historians on the Seven Years’ War. Two articles by Canadian historians Peter MacLeod (The University of Ottawa) and Ian Steele (The University of Western Ontario) give two different perspectives on the Seven Years’ War in United States and ...
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Ideas and Continuity That Are Puritan and Revolutionary »

A 6 page paper which examines “The Mayflower Compact” and the Declaration of Independence as they illustrate how some ideas were powerfully imbedded in the nation despite the changes in times. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Various Views on Revolution Causes and Impacts »

A 4 page overview of the perceptions of Edmund Burke, Maximillien Robespierre, and Thomas Paine. The author of this paper emphasizes the opinions of Thomas Pain and asserts that revolutions do no necessarily result in long-term instability and violence. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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The Problems Leading Up to the American Revolution »

This 4 page paper delineates the fact that revolution was almost assured from the time the very first English ship arrived here. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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The War of 1812 by Donald R. Hickey »

A 5 page research paper that examines Donald R. Hickey's unique perspective on the War of 1812 as stated in his book. In this work, Hickey offers a radically different perspective on this conflict then the one traditionally offered in most US history texts. No additional sources cited.
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Early America and Opportunity »

A 6 page paper which examines early America and opportunity based on Paul Johnson’s “A History of the American People” and Howard Zinn’s “People's History of the United States.” No additional sources cited.
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Edmund S. Morgan/American Slavery, American Freedom »

A 4 page book review of Morgan's award-winning treatise on the evolution of racism in the American colonies. In this text, which is one of the most "celebrated books in recent American historiography," Morgan explores the connections between "slavery, freedom, persistent inequality and American egalitarianism." Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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8 Significant Anglo Americans Who Lived Between the Years 1607 and 1763 »

This 3 page paper examines settlers and explorers including well known people like Thomas Jefferson and Daniel Boone. A bit of why each individual is important is the focus of this paper Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Native Americans as Perceived by English Colonists »

A 7 page overview of early colonial interactions with Native Americans. The manner in which European colonists viewed the Native Americans whose lands they invaded varied both according to geography and according to time. The Puritans as a whole would proclaim their belief that all people were equal ...
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Enlightenment Arguments for and against Separation of Church and State »

This 6 page paper considers arguments by Enlightenment thinkers with regard to the separation of church and state, and how these arguments influenced Americans, particularly Thomas Jefferson. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Seventeenth Century Puritan Colonization and Nineteenth Century Reconstruction Explored »

9 pages in length. Exploring the relationship between 17th century Puritan colonization and 19th century Reconstruction as they relate to colonial America finds a common denominator between the two time periods connected by the very foundation of how the term 'colonialism' is defined: "control by one power over a ...
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Factors in Bringing about the Age of Revolution »

This 7 page paper discusses how mechanism, imperialism and the Enlightenment brought about the Age of Revolution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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American Revolution and Family Metaphors »

This 10 page paper examines the use of the family metaphor (children , parent, mother country, etc.) in describing the relationship between England and the colonies. The American Revolution is discussed. The works of various authors who wrote during the 1770s are examined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Forming an American Identity »

This 4 page paper discusses the factors that led to the formation of an American identity prior to the Revolutionary War. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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French, Spanish, and British Colonists »

A 4 page paper which examines the difference between French and Spanish colonists and British colonists as it relates to revolution and rebellion against Britain. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Reasons Behind Colonial America's Decision to Revolt Against England »

A 4 page overview of the reasons Americans elected to revolt against English control. The author contends that English support was just not there even in the earliest stages of colonialism. Once the Americans became self assured that they could survive they began to look at their ties ...
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How Revolutionary was the American Revolution? »

This 3 page paper discusses the question of whether or not the American Revolution made a real difference in the issues of slavery, religion and women's rights, and argues that it was not as revolutionary as first thought. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Colonization and Effects on Native Americans »

A 4 page overview of the different approaches to colonization of Spain and Portugal verses England, France, and Holland in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Describes differences in their interactions with Native Americans. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Federalist No. Fifty One by James Madison »

3 pages in length. In Federalist paper #51, James Madison writes that "if a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure" (Madison, 1788), a statement whose message is meant to warn of the socially inequitable practice of utilitarianism. Bibliography lists ...
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Daniel P. Jordan's Political Leadership in Jefferson's Virginia »

5 pages in length. Discussion of the book "Political Leadership in Jefferson’s Virginia" by Daniel P. Jordan. This paper explains the differences of political sentiment among the different political parties. As the book goes on to explain, the people resolve themselves naturally into two components; that of ...
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Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick »

A 6 page book report on Nathaniel Philbrick’s Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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American Colonies and Mercantilism »

This 3 page paper examines the belief known as 'mercantilism' and how it led to the Navigation Acts, which were one of the factors in causing the American Revolution. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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Failed Approaches and Major Events Pertaining to White and Native American Interaction »

A 9 page examination of three critical approaches in Native American/White interaction: the approaches of Pontiac, Tecumseh, and Handsome Lake. This paper contends that despite varied and valiant efforts at maintaining their cultural integrity, each of these approaches failed in the face of the overwhelming tide of white's ...
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French Revolution and King Louis the Sixteenth »

This five-page-paper presents a discussion on the contribution that King Louis XVI made to the French Revolution. Bibliography lists seven sources.
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Before the American Revolution, King Philip's War »

This 10 page paper dicusses King Philip's War - the often overlooked war which preceeded the American Revolution in this country. Furthermore, this paper examines the causes of this war and the underlying issues which divided this country. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Overview of King Philip's War »

A 5 page paper which examines the King Philip’s War. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Daily Life during the Seven Years War in North America »

This 5 page paper discusses what life was like in America during the Seven Years War from the point of view of a colonist. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Revolutionary Thought and the Shaping of the US Constitution »

This three page paper lists four major grievances the colonists had that ultimately led to revolution. This paper shows how these grievances were later reflected in the Constitution and its Amendments. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Critical Analysis of American Slavery, American Freedom by Edmund S. Morgan »

A 5 page essay that summarizes and analyzes Edmund S. Morgan's book 'American Slavery, American Freedom.' Morgan argues that the simultaneous development of slavery and freedom represents the central paradox of early American history. This text goes far in explaining the paradox. No additional sources cited.
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Race and Revolution by Gary Nash »

This 3 page paper discusses Gary Nash's book on the reasons why slavery was institutionalized in America at the time of the founding of the country, when sentiment against it was high. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Christopher Columbus's Views of Native Americans »

A 3 page paper that discusses not only the genocide of indigenous peoples instigated by Columbus on his voyages, but also that it engendered the same policy in Euro-American societies. The paper presents the viewpoint presented in a 1996 position paper on Columbus and the fallacy of idolizing him ...
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