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Term Papers on Other Ancient Civ.

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Babylon's Infamous Hanging GardensBabylon »

A short, 3 page discussion of the Hanging Gardens of Bablyon, their story & features. Focus is upon what makes them one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Archaeology and History of Stonehenge »

A paper which looks at the history and archaeology of Stonehenge, the way in which its structure has changed since its origins as a Neolithic woodhenge, and the possible function of the monument for cultural, scientific and religious purposes.
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Returning to the Neolithic Period's Agricultural Revolution »

This 5 page report discusses one of the most significant periods in all of human development. Human history from the Neolithic (sometimes called the “new stone age”) or the period of agricultural revolution demonstrates that humanity evolved from relatively small bands of hunters and gatherers to those who cultivated their own food to those ...
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3 Articles Analyzed Pertaining to Twenty Fifth Egypt Dynasty Kush History Until Meroe Concentration »

This is a 7 page paper discussing three articles on Kush history from the 25th dynasty in Egypt until their concentration in Meroe. The history of the Kush of Nubia is recounted in three articles by Helen Chapin Metz, Claude Rilly and Noah Kippley-Ogman. The Kush were concentrated in Nubia ...
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The Ancient Indus and Egyptian Civilizations »

A nine page paper which considers various aspects of ancient civilisations, including the transition from the Neolithic to the early Bronze period, the differences between the Egyptian and Indus cultures, and the relevance of ancient Greek thought to the modern intellectual world.
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Agriculture in Early History »

3 pages in length. The writer discusses animal herding, village creation, farming and overpopulation due to better fed inhabitants as they relate to early agriculture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Absolute Monarchy of the Early Modern Era, Style of Baroque, and the Scientific Revolution »

5 pages in length. Introducing such revolutionary concepts as were developed during the scientific revolution truly transformed the way in which the world operated. So many inventions changed how people lived their lives that it was not difficult to leave behind the archaic in favor of the new ...
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Aloe's History and Use »

A 10 page paper which presents an examination of the history and the uses of the aloe plant. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
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Turning Points from Ancient History to Now »

This 4 page starts with the discovery of fire, moves through the scientific revolution, and on to the threat of nuclear bombs as it exists in the world today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Necessity is the Mother of Invention »

This paper uses the catapult, dental fillings, and the outrigger canoes of the Pacific Islands to illustrate the variety of invention. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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World History Questions »

A 24 page paper discussing items such as the Neolithic cities of Jericho and Catal Huyuk; the civilization of Sumeria; the 18th and 19th dynasties of Egypt's New Kingdom; the political history of Athens from Draco to the Peloponnesian Wars; the influence of the Greeks on the Romans; the fall of the Roman ...
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Middle East History »

This 10 page paper provides an overview of some of the central questions on the history of the Middle East. This paper outlines the major issues in Safavid history, the decentralization of the Ottoman Empire, the causes and course of the Crusades and perspectives on the Israel/Palestine conflict in the ...
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The Importance of Assyrian History »

A 3 page paper which examines the importance and significance of the Assyrian Empire history. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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The Neolithic Revolution »

This 6 page paper examines the Neolithic Revolution. Attention is paid to the development of pottery. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Significance of the Neolithic Revolution »

A paper which considers the importance of the Neolithic Revolution, in terms of the transition from nomadic culture to agricultural cultivation, and the impact which this had on the nature of society and culture. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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History and Importance of the Nile River »

This 5 page paper discusses the Nile river, it's history and it's importance. Furthermore, this paper examines hoe the Nile river influenced nearly every aspect of ancient civilization. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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The Peloponnesian War - A Conflict of Ideologies »

5 pages in length. According to the political ideologies of Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War," the primary cause of conflict between Sparta and Athens was the fact that the Athenians tried to create a problem between the city-states of Corinth and Corcyra. Athens was summoned to help the ...
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