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Term Papers on Marxism and Christianity by Alesdair MacIntyre An Analysis

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Negotiations - Juwan Howard »

This 6 page paper is based in a case study supplied by the student looking at the negotiations surrounding the NBA player Juwan Howard in 1996. The paper starts by summarizing the entire negotiation process. The paper then presents the situation from the perspective of Howard ands both teams involved. ...
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1917 Russian Revolution and its Success »

This 8 page paper looks at the uprising in 1905 and why the Russian autocracy prevailed as compared with the success of the revolution in 1917. Marxism in Russia is explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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Wisdom of the Desert and The Art of War »

A 5 page paper that discusses these two books. The writer provides some background on both Taoism and early Christianity and specifically, the monks/hermits cited in Wisdom in the Desert. The themes found in the books are explained with an emphasis on what each author says about anger and/or conflict. ...
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History of Teutonic Knights »

A 6 page research paper that looks at the history of the Teutonic Knights, a military-religious order similar to the better known Templar or Hospitaller Orders of the middle ages. The Teutonic Knights were responsible for bringing Christianity to Eastern Europe through numerous crusades that lasted through to the fifteenth ...
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This 8-page paper provides an overview and competitive analysis for Home Depot Inc. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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The Tunisian Revolution and Marxist Ideology »

This is a 12 page paper that provides an overview of the Tunisian revolution. The revolution is analyzed through Marxist theory. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Sudan's Continuing Civil War »

This 4 page report discusses the civil war between the Muslim-led government against non-Muslim black rebels since Sudan gained independence in 1956. The government controls little territory in the southern part of the state and regional boundaries are drawn according to ethnic and historical battle lines. The southerners of the ...
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Islamic Militarism Since 600 A.D. »

A 5 page research paper that discusses the history of Islamic militarism. One hears a great deal, in this age of Islamic terrorism, about how the Muslim instigators of indiscriminant violence are not true "Muslims." However, an overview of Islamic militarism shows that, as with Christianity, violence and aggression are ...
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The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje »

This 10 page paper provides an in-depth analysis of this classic war story, examining a wide variety of themes. This paper discusses the perspectives of war, politics, love, marriage and more as offered by this story and author, and presents a psychological analysis of the major characters. Bibliography ...
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Industrialization and Theories »

A 5 page research paper that argues that the Industrial Revolution, which reshaped the economies of Western European nations, brought wealth to many, but it also brought intense hardship to the average working person. Because of the hardships and inequalities of the nineteenth century, numerous theories arose in reaction ...
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The Nature of Democracy, Freedom, and Revolution by Herbert Aptheker »

A 5 page discussion of the opinions voiced by Herbert Aptheker in his 1967 book 'The Nature of Democracy, Freedom and Revolution.' The writer argues that by contrasting Marxist philosophy against 'bourgeois' democracy and revolution, Aptheker offers a perspective on history and political philosophy that is truly intriguing, if somewhat ...
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George A. Rawlyk's 'The American Revolution and Nova Scotia Reconsidered' »

A 3 page review and analysis of George A. Rawlyk’s essay “The Ameircan Revolution and Nova Scotia Reconsidered.” No additional sources cited.
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Factors Leading to the Revolutionary War »

This 3 page paper discusses the various factors which led to the American Revolution, based on primary source document analysis. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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This 4-page paper offers an analysis of the Russian economy today, including stabilization of the ruble. Bibliography lists 3 sources.`
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The Lincoln Memorial »

A 5 page analysis of the Lincoln Memorial. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Resistance of African American Slaves and Native Americans »

A 3 page essay that discusses the ways in Native Americans and slaves resisted domination. Rationalization for the history of white supremacy in North America has rested largely on the idea that white dominance was for the "good" of suppressed peoples. Early English settlers proposed that they were bringing ...
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NSC 68's Effects »

This 5 page paper looks at this important document that had an impact on the Cold War and the Korean War. A critical analysis is provided that also speculates on what could have been done differently. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Medieval Italian History and Literature »

A 15 page research paper that offers brief (generally 1 page) synopses of essays that deal with Italian medieval society. Then the writer offers a more extended analysis of parts of Patricia Skinner's 2001 text Women in Medieval Italian Society; a brief essay on Dante's Inferno and Otto of ...
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Leadership: A Comparison of Notorious Leaders »

This 10 page paper examines five leaders of the twentieth century: Adolf Hitler, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi and Chiang Kai-Shek. Leadership is examined in general. Ethics play a role in the analysis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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History of WMDs in Iraq »

This 6 page paper examines the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq possessed prior to the U.S. invasion of that country. Furthermore, this paper provides analysis as to the reasons for the U.S. invasion as well as the history of prior wars between the U.S. and Iraq. Bibliography ...
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John Whitman's Star Wars Galaxy of Fear City of the Dead »

A 3 page paper which provides a summary and analysis of John Whitman’s “Star Wars Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead.” No additional sources cited.
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Bob Woodward's Bush at War »

This 3 page paper covers: Bush at War is an objective look at how the war in Afghanistan was planned by the Bush administration in the one hundred days after the September 11 attack. By collaborating with individuals involved and attending planning sessions with White House aids, cabinet members, staffers, ...
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Nuclear Power Plant Radiation Release and Impact Perception »

A 16 page paper presenting a study of whether those in the immediate vicinity of a nuclear power plant feel less safe after the 9/11 terrorist attacks than before. The paper provides a literature review focusing on studies of people in and near the Chernobyl area as well as ...
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McDonaldization of Society by George Ritzer »

A 6 page analysis of George Ritzer's The McDonaldization of Society. The writer demonstrates that this book provides an intriguing premise for analyzing certain trends in modern society. Ritzer sees the business philosophy of the fast food restaurant chain "McDonald's" becoming the standard modus operandi of almost every sphere of ...
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Entrenchment of Canadian Civil Rights into the Constitution »

This 4 page argument and analysis argues against entrenchment of the Civil Rights Charter within the Constitution as it stands as a legal precedent within the rule of law. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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The Latino Population in Jefferson County, Alabama »

This 3 page paper provides statistics and an analysis. State and national statistics are also provided. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Native American Oral Tradition: Parallels in the Literature »

A 5 page analysis of Gerald Vizenor's ““Word War in the Word Wards” (a chapter in “Bearheart the Heirship Chronicles”) and “An Insatiable Emptiness” by Evelyn Lau. No additional sources are listed.
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Parodying the Knight in Song of Roland and Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso »

In four pages this comparative analysis examines how the character of Orlando in Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso parodies the ideal knight embodied by Roland in the French poem Song of Roland. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.
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Wiencek/On George Washington »

A 9 page book review that reports on Henry Wiencek's An Imperfect God, which is a biography of George Washington that offers a different view of this Founding Father, as Wiencek concentrates on Washington's role as a slaveholder. Drawing heavily on critical analysis of this text authored by ...
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Are the Coalition Winning the War in Iraq? »

This 28 page paper looks at the war in Iraq and the position in December 2006. The paper starts with background that demonstrated the political complexities of the area and considers why the US lead occupation may be resisted, using ideas of culture clash and the religious concept as Jihad ...
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Azuela: "The Underdogs" »

This 5 page paper discusses Mariano Azuela's book on the Mexican Revolution, "The Underdogs." It consists of a summary and analysis. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Benedicte Marie Wrensted’s Photographs of Native Americans »

A 4 page analysis of the photographs Wrensted took during the early twentieth century of Native American subjects. This paper illuminates the fact that considerable artistic license was taken in these depictions. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Was the War in Iraq Unnecessary? »

This 4 page paper reviews an article written by Mearsheimer & Walt titled "An Unnecessary War" about the Second Gulf War. The content and analysis provided are examined and considered in the context of other articles, theories, and subsequent events. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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Market Segmentation and Lifestyle Analysis »

This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of market segmentation. Brooke Army Medical Center is used as an example, with lifestyle analyses conducted on the San Antonio community. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Warfare Technological Change and Sociological Impacts »

This 6 page paper analyzes these three major periods of war. The analysis focuses on technological change and sociological impacts. There are no sources listed.
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The Battle of Baghdad - Engineering Operations »

This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of engineering operations in the Battle of Baghdad. Army field manuals provide the context for the strategic analysis. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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John Lewis Gaddis' We Now Know Rethinking Cold War History »

A 6 page analysis of "We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History" by John Lewis Gaddis. The writer presents a summation of the author's main points and argues that the main theme of the book is that the Cold War resulted solely from the ideological imperatives of the Communist Party ...
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Abraham Lincoln and Opposing Views of Him »

A 7 page analysis of primary sources in Voices from the House Divided, by Glenn Linden and Thomas Pressley. The writer discusses the contrasting views showed by Unionists and Confederates regarding Abraham Lincoln. No additional sources cited.
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Just and Unjust Wars by Michael Walzer »

A 5 page analysis of Michael Walzer's book Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. Walzer discusses in detail the myriad ways that war has been perceived and how this impacts the topic of war and morality. No additional sources cited.
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High Noon in Lincoln by Robert Utley »

A 5 page summation and analysis of Robert Utley's fascinating tale of violence on the frontier. The writer examines Utley's book about the Lincoln County War of 1878, "High Noon in Lincoln," as a means of discussing the perspective of Western ranchers relative to place and space. No additional ...
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Washington Mutual and Banking Sector Changes »

This 5 page paper considers the recent history in the United States banking sector, going on to consider hoe this has effected Washington Mutual. In order to ascertain this in more detail a SWOT analysis is with emphasis placed on the practice of acquisition. The bibliography cites 5 sources. ...
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Holocaust and Its Sociopolitical Causes »

This 6 page report provides a geopolitical analysis of pre-WWII Germany and the factors that led to the Holocaust. What were the factors that led to the mass consciousness bent on the annihilation of the Jewish people and Hitler's rise to power? Only the most brief overview of one ...
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1848's French Revolution »

20 pages in length. An in-depth sociopolitical analysis of the causal factors behind the (second) French Revolution of 1848. Some comparisons are made between this incident and the (first) Revolution of 1789. Many scholarly `opinions are incorporated. Bibliography lists 15+ sources.
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Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front II »

A 10 page analysis of the E.M. Remarque's novel about the grim realities of War and (WWI) and a young man's loss of innocence. The writer details his discoveries along with the cultural assumptions and illusions of the time that underlie the text and concludes that, through this novel, Remarque ...
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Second World War's Mythological Nature »

A 4 page analysis of the book 'The Best War Ever: America and World War II,' by Michael C.C. Adams. The writer demonstrates how Adams explores and debunks the myths that Americans have insisted on associating with the 'last good war' - World War II. No additional sources cited.
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Medieval Perspectives on Religion by Keith Thomas and Eamon Duffy Compared »

A 5 page analysis of Eamon Duffy's The Stripping of the Altars and Keith Thomas' Religion and the Decline of Magic. The writer argues that Duffy differs from the standard view of this period and the causes of the Reformation, while Thomas, essentially, supports the standard view. No additional sources ...
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Presidential Leadership and its Changes »

This 15 page paper looks at three original writings by Presidents Clinton, Lincoln and Washington and analyses how presidential leadership has changed over the years. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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The Death of the Earth by J.H. Rosny »

A 6 page analysis of the J.H. Rosny's (a pseudonym for Joseph Henri Boex) science fiction novel La Mort de la Terre (The Death of the Earth). This early twentieth century work has long been neglected in English-speaking countries when examining the evolution of the science fiction/fantasy genre. No additional ...
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Industrial Revolution and its Social Impact »

This 8 page paper provides an overview of the Industrial Revolution as well as an analysis on its effect on society. The change of the family is revealed as a part of the revolution and gender roles are also noted as having been affected. The impact on society as it ...
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Revolution at the Roots by William D. Eggers and John O'Leary »

A 6 page analysis of William D. Eggers and John O'Leary's book Revolution at the Roots, which offers a template for reforming government that could revolutionize the way that the country's cities and towns are run. No additional sources cited.
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