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Term Papers on Reasons for the Great European Witch Hunt

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Middle Ages to the 18th Century Power of Religion in England »

This 8 page paper considers the hypothesis that religion is ultimately a tool that is used to control people. Example of the crusades, King Henry VIII and the witch hunts are cited to demonstrate this relations between religion power and control.The bibliography cites 8 sources.
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Influences on Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” »

This 3 page paper discusses some of the influences that led Ray Bradbury to write “Fahrenheit 451,” including the Nazi book burnings, the McCarthy witch hunts, and the Cold War. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Harris: Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches »

This 5 page paper discusses Marvin Harris's book "Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches: the Riddles of Culture. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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18th and 19th Century Equality and Liberty »

This 5 page paper assesses the tensions between liberty and equality as outlined in Hunt's The French Revolution and Human Rights and Mill's On Liberty. This paper considers whether the concepts of liberty and equality are compatible or incompatible as reflected upon by Hunt and Mill. Bibliography lists ...
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The Iroquois War Club »

An 8 page investigation of the Iroquois war club. This paper describes form and function both as they existed in pre-Contact times and as they changed after contact with European cultures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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European Historical Signficance of Herder's Outlines of A Philosophy of the History of Man and Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France »

7 pages in length. The writer discusses the opposing perspectives of both writers and how each one influenced European history. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Questionable Guilt of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg »

A 15 page paper discussing the injustices suffered by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. America's hysteria over the Red Threat needed outlet, and Joe McCarthy's witch hunts had not yet begun. The Rosenbergs provided a scapegoat image through which the entire country could feel better: the 'boys' in ...
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Disasters of War and Francisco Goya »

Francisco de Goya was considered the most influential European artist of his time. Most of his career was spent as artist to the court of Spain so a great deal of his more noted works were portraits done of the various royal personages and families that occupied the throne ...
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Deteriorating European Security as a Result of the Cold War »

A 7 page discussion of whether European Security has improved or deteriorated since the Cold War. The author points out that European security today is largely controlled by the United Nations, an entity controlled not by European powers but by the U.S. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Europeans, Native Americans, and Greed »

A 5 page consideration of the motivations that characterized the early interactions between Native Americans and the Europeans that invaded their shores. European peoples not only took advantage of Native Americans but committed one atrocity after another in their attempts to prosper from them. The Native Americans, though ...
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Religion and Change from the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Century »

This 3 page paper examines how religion has affected art, politics, and science during this period in European history. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Scott: The Logistics of War »

This 3 page paper analyzes the book “The Logistics of War” by Beth Scott, Lt.Col. James C. Rainey and Capt. Andrew W. Hunt. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Scott on “The Logistics of War” »

This 6 page paper analyzes the book “The Logistics of War” by Beth Scott, Lt.Col. James C. Rainey and Capt. Andrew W. Hunt. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Three Secondary European Wars »

Three Mini-Wars in European History: This 5-page essay examines three of the secondary wars in European history between (1700-1990). These conflicts were just as passionate, just as politically motivated, and just as deadly. However, when the fighting was over, these wars left more men standing. Bibliography lists 4 ...
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Late Nineteenth Century Presence of Europe in Southeast Asia »

This 4 page paper provides an overview of factors that influenced the European Presence in Southeast Asia near the turn of the century. Further, this paper also considers elements that impacted the maintenance of European interests following the turn of the century, including increasing development in Japan and the ...
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Slavery and the Cherokee Society by Theda Perdue »

A 5 page research paper that examines how slavery evolved as a facet of Cherokee society. Principally, the writer concentrates on the work of Theda Perdue, who argues in her text Slavery and the Evolution of Cherokee Society that the adoption of European-style slavery of Africans evolved from the Cherokee ...
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Native American Society, Racism's Roots, and America's 'Discovery' »

A 3 page paper tracing the rampant racism which continues to target Native American people and culture to the concept of a European "discovery" of this continent. Emphasizes that although this continent and its people were very much in existence at the time of the supposed European "discovery" the ...
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Expansion of Europe and the Resulting Disease and War »

5 pages in length. The writer discusses how European expansionism culminated in war and disease for the Native Americans. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Survival of Native Americans v. Europeans in the Colonial Americas »

A 15 page address of the question which has occupied historians for centuries, why were Native Americans not only able to survive but to thrive in a land where European colonists would at first flounder and many times perish? The author of this paper explores various sides of the debate ...
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Impact of the Great War on Western Literature »

A 4 page essay that discusses the impact of the “Great War,” that is, World War I on Western literature. World War I is known for its “mindless squandering of human life with negligible results” (Hull 17). During its era, it was known as the Great War, the war to ...
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Native American and European American Cultural Interaction »

4 pages in length. Given the proper circumstances, traditional Native American cultures could never have co-existed alongside European American cultures, inasmuch as neither one even remotely upheld the same attributes. The Native Americans lived their lives in accordance to a higher influence supported by their affinity with the ...
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Lincoln and Emancipation »

A 5 page paper which examines whether or not Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist or the Great Emancipator. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' by Dylan Thomas »

A 4 page paper analyzing, in detail, Dylan Thomas' great work, which has been called 'the finest villanelle ever written.' No additional works cited.
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Winston Churchill »

A 3 page paper which examines the life and work of Winston Churchill as a great leader. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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1400 to 1700 Japanese Relations with the West »

This is a 5 page paper discussing Japanese foreign relations with the West between the years 1400 and 1700. The years from 1400 to 1700 in Japan covered three Japanese historical periods: the Muromachi Period (1333-1573); the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573-1603); and, the Edo Period (1603-1867) which also included the great ...
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Justification for the Declaration of the War of 1812 »

This 3 page paper points out the many reasons that the US declared war on Great Britain in 1812. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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The Impact of Great Men During Times of Revolution »

A 3 page contention that ever since the Revolution of 1789 the French have exhibited a tendency to look to 'great men' to restore order and tranquillity after moments of great political or social upheaval. Notes that this tendency is really not that uncommon, however, for people who have ...
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Price of Glory - Verdun 1916 by Alistair Horne »

In 5 pages, the author gives a general overview of Alistair Horne's "Price of Glory - Verdun 1916" (1963). The Battle of Verdun was a strategic one in the Great War. This book is an extraordinary and unique depiction of the World War I. The reader will ...
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European History and Confrontation »

A 5 page paper discussing several of the most dramatic moments in European history in regards to military involvement and revolution. The books used in this examination are “The Challenge of The West,” by Lynn Hunt, “Nineteenth-Century Europe,” by Jan Goldstein and John Boyer eds., “Death's Men,” by Denis Winter, and ...
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Race Concept and its History »

14 pages in length. Drawing upon the work of David Goldberg's "Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning," one can readily argue that idea of race has always combined references to what is seen as natural (fixed) and social construct, suggesting that very divergent discourses have been implemented ...
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European Revolutions and 'The Communist Manifesto' »

This is a 5 page paper discussing the Communist Manifesto from its formation and the influence of the French Revolution to its revision inspired by the European revolutions of 1848, the year it was published. The revised Manifesto emphasized action and interaction and was adopted by the European unions which ...
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Incredible War of 1812 by J. Mackay Hitsman »

A 4 page book review on The Incredible War of 1812 (1965) by J. Mackay Hitsman, a classic text on this subject. Hitsman's scholarship is detailed as he accessed an extensive list of primary sources in Canada, Great Britain and the US. He offers historical fact within the cultural context ...
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Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson and Native American Responses to Whites »

A 5 page paper which examines how Native Americans responded to Anglo whites in Helen Hunt Jackson's 1884 novel, "Ramona," and evaluate whether or not their responses changed over time.
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Red Storm Rising, The Hunt for Red October, and the Cold War »

A 5 page review of the Cold War years. The author of this paper emphasizes that the intent of the Cold War was to stabilize world politics and to maintain peace. In reality, it could be contended that the real outcome of this political approach was anything but ...
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Caribbean Banana Trade Wars and Banana Trade Security »

This 13 page paper dicusses the Banana Trade War and its impact on the Caribbean's banana trade security. This paper focuses on the events leading up to the decision by the European Union to open up trade to all suppliers. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
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Comparative Analysis of the 1908 and 1909 Bosnian Crisis and 1912 and 1913 Balkan Wars »

This 5 page paper looks at why the Bosnian Crisis of 1908-1909 and the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 did not develop into a general European conflict. The reasons for World War I are noted and the conflicts listed are discussed in depth. The idea of an East versus ...
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Cold War and Bipolarity Between the United States and Soviet Union »

A 3 page examination of the contention that during the strong bipolarity which resulted between the U.S. and the USSR during the Cold War, Europeans essentially stood passively by while the major players determined Europe’s fate. Berlin itself became a pawn in this game. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Europe and Its Steps Toward Minimizing War Chances »

A 10 page overview of the steps being taken in Europe to minimize the chances for war on the continent. The author emphasizes the importance of the European Union but points out that while the formation of the EU is to be applauded, not only is the U.S the ...
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EU and US Trade War »

This 2 page report discusses the 'trade war' that has evolved between the United States and the European Union and its political implications, as well as the concerns of those in the midst of it. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Economy of France »

This 8 page paper (plus 1 page appendix) considers the economic position of France. The recent past as well as the success of financial predictions are used as a tool to look to the future of the this, the second largest economy in Europe. Other factors considered include membership of ...
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Cause of the Biafra War »

A 5 page overview of the history of the Biafra War. This paper examines the underlying causes of the war, identifying those causes as being related to the problems instigated by European colonialism. The assertion is presented that it was this colonialism that impregnated the idea of ethnic ...
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Native Americans as Perceived by English Colonists »

A 7 page overview of early colonial interactions with Native Americans. The manner in which European colonists viewed the Native Americans whose lands they invaded varied both according to geography and according to time. The Puritans as a whole would proclaim their belief that all people were equal ...
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Interactions Between Native Americans and Early Europeans from Columbus to Cortez »

A 4 page overview of the early interactions between Europeans and Native Americans. The author identifies the overriding goal of Spanish colonization as greed and relates the fact that that goal determined the manner the Spanish regarded and treated the indigenous inhabitants of the so-called "New World" as well ...
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Concerns of Modern Native Americans »

A 6 page discussion of the many problems facing contemporary Native Americans. Traces these problems back to the initial contact with the European people who invaded Native land. Asserts that everything from the ravages of disease on modern Native Americans to struggles over land rights and the right ...
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White Values versus Values of Native Americans »

A 3 page research paper that examines the differences between Native American and European American values. The writer looks specifically at the text of James Welsh's novel Fools Crow and a collection of original documented edited by Milner, et al. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Identity of Native Americans, Religion and Politics »

A 5 page paper that explores and examines the theme of the reconciliation of the heritage of Native American politics and religion with that of the heritage of the politics and religion of European colonization in twentieth century literature. Discussed and compared are John Neihardt's 1932 publication of Black ...
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Migration of Native Americans Causes and Consequences »

A 5 page overview of the pre-Columbian history of the people we call Native Americans. Includes possible reasons for their migration to the Americas and describes the complex evolution that resulted in many diverse cultures. Describes the division between the cultural regions separated by the Rio Grande river ...
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Cherokee Influences on Colonial Settlers »

A 5 page discussion of the impacts on Native American culture during the Colonial period. Discusses the differing values of non-Indian and Indian and the cultural transition which many of the tribes made toward taking on European ways. Emphasizes the Cherokee culture and observes that despite their willingness ...
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Native American Culture Changes »

A 6 page review of the many changes experienced by Native American cultures since the arrival of the Europeans to this continent. Discuses the diversity of Native American cultures and the attempts by non-Natives to wipe out the Native populations either through direct warfare or through concepts like assimilation. ...
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History of Europe »

A 9 page paper which addresses there specific topics in European history. The paper examines why Britain's attempts to colonize America were unsuccessful, John Locke contribute to the development of a progressive theory of history, and the similarities and differences between British and French colonization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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