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Term Papers on Warsaw Pact A Vehicle for Russian Imperialism?

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Russian Imperialism and the Warsaw Pact »

A 5 page discussion of the role of the 1955 Warsaw Pact in Russia's past and present imperialistic tendencies. Cautions that while the Warsaw Pact was dissolved with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russian imperialism continues to present many concerns to world order. Bibliography lists ...
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A History of Nationalism in Russia »

A 4 page research paper that examines the topic of Russian nationalism from an historical point of view. The writer argues that by examining the history of Russian nationalism, it is possible to gain insight into the continuing role that Russian nationalism has played throughout Russian history and particularly in ...
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Costs Constraints on the Adoption of the JLTV »

This 4 page paper looks at the potential of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) as a replacement for the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) for the US Army considering whether or not the higher cost will prevent the adoption of the new vehicles. The bibliography cites 2 ...
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Korean War and the Soviet Union »

This five-page -paper discusses the Russian involvement in the Korean War. When the Russians opened access to their archives in 1992 evidence was found that proved the Russian involvement. Bibliography lists four sources.
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Contrasting and Comparing Russian Serfs and American Slaves »

In 9 pages, the author compares and contrasts American slaves and Russian serfs. In comparing American slaves and Russian serfs, one must realize the dramatic differences between the two. Yes, both were slaves, but American slaves had no rights. Russian serfs actually were able to submit lawsuits in ...
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Factors in Bringing about the Age of Revolution »

This 7 page paper discusses how mechanism, imperialism and the Enlightenment brought about the Age of Revolution. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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This 4-page paper offers an analysis of the Russian economy today, including stabilization of the ruble. Bibliography lists 3 sources.`
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Soviet History - A Discussion »

This is an 8 page paper that provides an overview of Russian history. It takes the format of a dramatic dialogue between Russian leaders past and present. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Trade Unions, etc. »

An 8 page research paper that answers four questions pertaining to economic conditions in Europe in the nineteenth century. Topics explored are the relationship between union and socialism; difference between liberalism and conservatism; causes behind imperialism and causes and effects of population expansion. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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19th Century American History »

This is a 6 page paper that provides an overview of 19th century American history. Slavery, the Civil War, Imperialism, and the Progressive movement are explored. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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American History Themes of Imperialism and War »

This 4 page paper discusses the topics of imperialism, the two world wars, and Vietnam, and how they can be connected using two specific references, Liberty, Equality and Power and Having Our Say. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Contrasts and Similarities Between Haiti, France, and the United States from 1650 until 1850 »

An 8 page overview of this critical period in history. The author outlines major historical events for these countries and emphasizes the importance of revolution, industrialization, and imperialism. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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History of Europe »

This 6 page paper provides answers to four questions posed by a student. The answers are chock full of information pertinent to the French Revolution and Robespierre’s rule as well as Napoleon’s problems when he took the reigns. The significance of the unification of Germany and Italy is explored ...
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Middle East Imperialism »

This 10 page paper how and why imperialism took place in the Middle East. The paper covers history form the emergence of written records up to The Treaty of Versailles. This includes the Hellenic conquest of Alexander the Great, the Roman conquest, the Crusades, the Suez Canal and the roles ...
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American Imperialism and its Roots in the Republican - Federalist Debates »

This is a 5 page paper that provides an overview of the Republican and Federalist conflicts during the time of Jefferson. Providing answers to textbook questions, the paper makes the case that the Louisiana Purchase formed the basis of future American imperialism. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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“The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century” »

This 3 page paper summarises the main arguments and message of “The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism by Daniel Headrick in the Nineteenth Century”. The bibliography cites 1 source.
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Causation of the Italo-Turkish War (1911-12) »

A 6 page research paper that argues that the main cause of the Italo-Turkish War (1911-12) was Italian imperialism as it relates to Italy's sense of identity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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Robert McNamara/An Ethical Analysis »

An 8 page research paper that analyzes the remarks of Robert McNamara from an ethical perspective. The writer argues that the explanation for how leadership can go "terribly wrong" may be located not in errors in military tactics but rather in the ethical foundations that rationalize those tactics. This ...
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Russian Revolution Historiography »

This 15 page paper analyzes the writings of seven experts on the Russian Revolution. These thesis are examined for overall content, cause of the war, scope, relevancy, and application. Examples cited and quoted from each text. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
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The Cold War: Causes, Treaties, and Ongoing Tensions »

This 6 page paper traces the root causes of the Cold War all the way back to the Russian Civil War and discusses how the tensions between the US and Russia magnified during the middle war years and World War II. Incidents such as the Cuban Missile Crisis almost ...
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Perspectives on the Cold War »

5 pages in length. Ascertaining the reasons behind the revived hostility that instigated the Cold War, historians have come to acknowledge the presence of Russian suspicions and American paranoia as fundamental motives. Delving deeper into these particular considerations finds that the Russians were, in fact, a nation of ...
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The Development of Russian art from the Mid Nineteenth Century to the Mid Twentieth Century »

This 263 page paper examines the development of art in Russia starting from the 1860’s and the emergence of Russian realism, considering the emergence of the rebellion fourteen and the Peredvizniki, also known as the wanderers. The paper than tracks the development by looking at the development and evolution of ...
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1805 Battle of Austerlitz and Napoleon »

This 5 page report discusses The Battle of Austerlitz which took place on December 2, 1805, between the French forces led by Napoleon and the allied forces of the Russians and Austrians. The battle has often been referred to as “The Battle of the Three Emperors” because Napoleon, Francis ...
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Racism and Slavery »

This 5 page paper examines the issue of slavery and its connection to racism. Although many assume that prejudice is an inherent part of slavery, some scholars argue that the institution was simply a vehicle of economic need. Two articles which tackle this issue are summarized and compared. A ...
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Production and Acquisition of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles »

This 3 page paper reviews the considerations that went into the production and fielding of this vehicle within a relatively short time frame to meet the needs of the US Marine Corps and Army. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Tanks but No Tanks »

This 3 page paper argues that Secretary of Defense Gates was correct to cancel the vehicle portion of the future combat system program. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Muscular Massage and Russian Electro Stimulation »

A 5 page paper that provides an overview of Russian Electro Stimulation as a form of muscular massage. This paper demonstrates the benefits of this technique for athletes and non-athletes alike. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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1917 Russian Revolution and its Success »

This 8 page paper looks at the uprising in 1905 and why the Russian autocracy prevailed as compared with the success of the revolution in 1917. Marxism in Russia is explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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U.S. Culture and Societal Impacts of the Cold War »

7 pages in length. As the Cold War reached its climactic end, it caused many people to wonder if this was the point in history where the Russians had learned to accept and support American foreign policy goals and policies. It was hoped that with the war's end, ...
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Assessment of the Iraq War »

14 pages in length. Analyzing the pros and cons of any war requires one to understand the fundamental nature of coexistence upon a planet where far too many people believe it to be their inherent human rights to oppress and intimidate others. The situation with Iraq has most ...
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Postwar Settlement Consequences in War And Peace in The Middle East A Concise History by Avi Shlaim »

5 pages in length. According to Avi Shlaim's "War and Peace in the Middle East: A Concise History," ignorance of human rights and a tendency toward political oppression were the consequences of the post-war settlement of 1918-1922, clearly reflecting the consequential elements of imperialism for American policy in the ...
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Revolutionary Ernesto 'Che' Guevara »

This 10 page report discusses the legendary revolutionary of Cuba, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. Guevara's life and conduct have been (for more than thirty years) and continue to be an inspiration to the disenfranchised of society as well as those who dream of a greater world that supports the advancement and ...
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Life and Legacy of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara »

This 10 page report discusses the legendary revolutionary of Cuba, Ernesto “Che” Guevara. Guevara’s life and conduct have been (for more than thirty years) and continue to be an inspiration to the disenfranchised of society as well as those who dream of a greater world that supports the advancement and ...
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England After the Industrial Revolution »

This 5 page paper looks at England after the industrial revolution and how that change along with imperialism affected the population. Various issues are discussed inclusive of changes in the family. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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MRAP Vehicles in the U.S. Army »

This 5 page paper appropriately covers this topic and includes an outline. Arguments on both sides are discussed but this argumentative paper supports one position. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Questionable Guilt of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg »

A 15 page paper discussing the injustices suffered by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. America's hysteria over the Red Threat needed outlet, and Joe McCarthy's witch hunts had not yet begun. The Rosenbergs provided a scapegoat image through which the entire country could feel better: the 'boys' in ...
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1880 to 1980, a Century of Russian and American Theater's Revolutionary Elements »

A twenty-page paper which looks at the work of selected Russian and American dramatists during the period 1880 to 1980, and assesses the ways in which their work, both in terms of form and content, afforded a revolutionary perspective on the socio-cultural systems of the time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Nineteenth Century Imperialism and the Global Impact of the Industrial Revolution »

An 8 page paper which examines the racial, ethnic and class problems that emerged as a result, considers how the problems were related, the key element of capitalist modernity and whether or not they are still being faced today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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The Post Cold War Era and Cultural Imperialism in America »

A 5 page research paper that examines current thinking regarding the ways in which Western style consumerism has become the hallmark of globalization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Russian War in Chechnya Justification »

This 8 page report discusses the Russian war in Chechnya. As with so many of the battles going on around the world, the Russian war in the province of Chechnya is one that is difficult to understand and appears to change on an almost daily basis. Numerous issues are at stake in the confrontation, not ...
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History of Russia in a Combination of 4 Papers »

This 22- page paper is comprised of four shorter papers dealing with Russia. The first is a 17-page paper that traces the history of Russia from ancient rulers, through the Romanov dynasty, the Decembrist revolution, the revolution of 1905 and the Revolution of 1917. It discusses the Communist ...
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