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Term Papers on Will Democracy Survive In New Russia?

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Greensboro Sit-Ins »

A 5 page paper which examines the Greensboro sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Democracy and War »

In 12 pages the author discusses democracy and the theory that democratic governments are inherently disposed against war. "The greatest impetus for world peace is the spread of democracy democracies are more peaceful than any other kind of government, and the world is growing more democratic democracies are not ...
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Industrial Society and Democracy »

Democracy has existed as a form of governing organization in most societies, in one form or another, from the time that government has been necessary. The recent past has been defined by the evolution of industrialism. Democratic governance and capitalism have played a significant role in the development ...
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Civil Rights Movement and Civil Disobedience »

A 3 page review of the importance of non-violent tactics in the Montgomery bus boycott and the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins. The author of this paper concludes that while not all is equal in the U.S. today, these key movements served to level the playing field substantially. Bibliography ...
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Russia's Industrial Development from 1689 Until the Romanov Dynasty »

A 16 page paper discussing the industrial revolution in Russia throughout the rule of the Romanov dynasty. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Brazil's Democracy Development »

The development in democracy in Brazil has demonstrated a different pattern that seen in other parts of the world. This 5 page paper examines the development of democracy and includes consideration of the history as a Portuguese colony and the role of slavery as well as the military coups and ...
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Retrospective of President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address »

A 5 page discussion of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and, in agreement with Garry Wills, its effectivity in raising the American patriotic spirit more so that earlier documents. The paper discusses how this is related to various feelings of unity around loss, hope and a sense of personal involvement in ...
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Westernization of Russia/The Petrine Revolution »

A 5 page research paper that discusses the radical changes that Peter the Great instigated in Russia in the eighteenth century. The writer describes how Peter's goal was to reshape Russia in the cultural image of Europe. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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The Nature of Democracy, Freedom, and Revolution by Herbert Aptheker »

A 5 page discussion of the opinions voiced by Herbert Aptheker in his 1967 book 'The Nature of Democracy, Freedom and Revolution.' The writer argues that by contrasting Marxist philosophy against 'bourgeois' democracy and revolution, Aptheker offers a perspective on history and political philosophy that is truly intriguing, if somewhat ...
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A.H.M. Jones' Athenian Democracy »

4 page review of A.H.M. Jones' book entitled "Athenian Democracy." Book explores classic governments in Athens and makes mention of their historical relevancy to our own style of democracy in these contemporary United States.
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Thomas Jefferson's Concepts »

This 15 page paper provides an overview of the life of this great defender of democracy and president of the United States. Ideas about democracy and separation of church and state are highlighted. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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The Impact of Great Men During Times of Revolution »

A 3 page contention that ever since the Revolution of 1789 the French have exhibited a tendency to look to 'great men' to restore order and tranquillity after moments of great political or social upheaval. Notes that this tendency is really not that uncommon, however, for people who have ...
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Reasons Behind Colonial America's Decision to Revolt Against England »

A 4 page overview of the reasons Americans elected to revolt against English control. The author contends that English support was just not there even in the earliest stages of colonialism. Once the Americans became self assured that they could survive they began to look at their ties ...
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Russian Imperialism and the Warsaw Pact »

A 5 page discussion of the role of the 1955 Warsaw Pact in Russia's past and present imperialistic tendencies. Cautions that while the Warsaw Pact was dissolved with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russian imperialism continues to present many concerns to world order. Bibliography lists ...
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The Cold War: Causes, Treaties, and Ongoing Tensions »

This 6 page paper traces the root causes of the Cold War all the way back to the Russian Civil War and discusses how the tensions between the US and Russia magnified during the middle war years and World War II. Incidents such as the Cuban Missile Crisis almost ...
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Korean Mindset and the Impact of Democracy »

This 20 page paper looks at the history of Korea and particularly at South Korea's history over several decades. How the people have fared through change and an emphasis on democracy is the focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
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Survival of Native Americans v. Europeans in the Colonial Americas »

A 15 page address of the question which has occupied historians for centuries, why were Native Americans not only able to survive but to thrive in a land where European colonists would at first flounder and many times perish? The author of this paper explores various sides of the debate ...
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1917 Russian Revolution and its Success »

This 8 page paper looks at the uprising in 1905 and why the Russian autocracy prevailed as compared with the success of the revolution in 1917. Marxism in Russia is explored. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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Historical Aspects of Russia, Austria, and France Between 1815 and 1919 »

A five page paper which looks at some elements of the history of Austria, France and Russia between 1815 and 1919, with particular reference to state terrorism as a means of controlling dissent.
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Moral Attributes and History of Balzac's Colonel Chabert »

This 3-page paper discusses Balzac's Colonel Chabert, notes the story based on its times (post-Napoleonic France) and discusses whether virtue or evil survived the day. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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States and Social Revolution by Theda Skocpol »

In 7 pages, the author reports on Theda Skocpol's States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China, and discusses what she perceives to be the question Skocpol is trying to answer, Skocpol's main argument, the theory Skocpol draws, how this answer was reached, the methods used ...
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European Lives and the Impact of the Industrial Revolution »

A 5 page paper discussing some of the short- and long-term changes in people's lives directly resulting from the influences of the Industrial Revolution in Europe. The response of the people in the short term was simply to do whatever was necessary to merely survive, but the Industrial Revolution ...
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U.S. Democracy and Worldviews »

Since the start of the most recent Gulf War, the countries of the world have placed the United States under close scrutiny. Once self-proclaimed as one of the foremost democratic countries of the world, recent events in political history have led some to believe that the American democratic process ...
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The Peloponnesian War According to Thucydides »

A 5 page summarization of major themes in Thucydides accounts of the Peloponnesian War. This paper presents the historical perspective prior to the onset of the war. It also contains consideration of the major thematic considerations of the era, including focus on democracy, morality, ambition, leadership and wealthy. ...
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Presidency of Thomas Jefferson and American History »

In 5 pages the author discusses Thomas Jefferson and his presidency. When looking back over the history of the United States, one person truly stands out as a leader among men. That person is Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson stands as the immortal symbol for freedom and equality ...
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Americanism's Essence Through Advancement, Adaptability, and Adventure »

A 5 page paper that presents an interpretation of the definition of Americanism by examining the distinct characteristics and tendencies of Americans and the origins of these traits. Discussed are the definitions of Americanism as presented in Frederick Jackson Turner's 1893 essay "The Frontier in American History" and Alexis ...
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Views on Slavery and its Justification or Lack of »

A five page paper contrasting the view of slavery described in Winston Churchill's 'The Great Democracies' (Volume Four of 'A History of the English-Speaking Peoples') with Austin Steward's slave narrative 'Twenty Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman.' The paper points out that Churchill's view of the Civil ...
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Democracy Benefits and Risks »

8 pages in length. The writer discusses the various notions and applications of democracy as they have existed throughout history, including references to Alexis de Tocqueville, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Abraham Lincoln, Lauren Berlant and Frederick Douglass. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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France and Democracy »

This 5 page paper explains why the Third Republic was a success, while an earlier attempt at democracy in 1848 had failed. Social conditions which led up to the revolutions in nineteenth century France are explored. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Virginia's Way of Life and American Revolutionaries »

This 7-page paper examines Sydnor's American Revolutionaries in the Making: Political Practices in Washington’s Virginia, examines the theories behind democracy and aristoracy, and discusses if Virginia's political systems from the 18th and 19th centuries would work in today's political system.
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Impact of the Great War on Western Literature »

A 4 page essay that discusses the impact of the “Great War,” that is, World War I on Western literature. World War I is known for its “mindless squandering of human life with negligible results” (Hull 17). During its era, it was known as the Great War, the war to ...
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Tocqueville/His Views of Blacks »

A 6 page essay that offer analysis and discussion of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America. In the chapter entitled, "The Present and Probable Future Condition of the Three Races that Inhabit the Territory of the United States," Tocqueville describes the relations between the three, "naturally distinct" races that inhabited ...
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World Trade and Chile »

A 7 page research paper on Chile's society, economy and recent governmental history, in which they moved from parliamentary government, to socialism, to military control, to democracy, and all within a period of less than 20 years. Other countries would have dissolved into civil war with such extreme swings in ...
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Nineteenth Century Imperialistic Activity »

5 pages. This paper is an analysis of imperialistic activity during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. The imminence of world war had a significant impact upon Europe's transition to democracy before 1914. With the implication of being an inter-imperialist conflict among capitalist leaders, its threatening ...
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Nineteenth Century American Racism and Alexis de Tocqueville »

This paper examines the comments about black people in the United States written by French politician Alexis de Tocqueville in his book, Democracy in America. The paper also compares how the 19th century words of de Toqueville are still true today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Late Nineteenth Century Presence of Europe in Southeast Asia »

This 4 page paper provides an overview of factors that influenced the European Presence in Southeast Asia near the turn of the century. Further, this paper also considers elements that impacted the maintenance of European interests following the turn of the century, including increasing development in Japan and the ...
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History of Russia in a Combination of 4 Papers »

This 22- page paper is comprised of four shorter papers dealing with Russia. The first is a 17-page paper that traces the history of Russia from ancient rulers, through the Romanov dynasty, the Decembrist revolution, the revolution of 1905 and the Revolution of 1917. It discusses the Communist ...
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Nineteenth Century City Planning »

7 pages in length. The nineteenth century city was ripe for change. Not only was there a dire need to improve upon communication networks, building types and architectural styles, but there was also a growing presence that required new definitions of "publicness" and the establishment of new power ...
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Internet's 'Industrial Revolution' »

Computerization and the emerging information highway is transforming the American economy. Computers are changing the composition and distribution of labor, improving labor efficiency, and creating new markets and new forms of organizations. The advent of the Internet has led to a shift in the market strategy that can ...
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Office of Special Investigations and Eli Rosenbaum »

5 pages in length. The Holocaust may have ended decades ago, however, the horrific memories continue to reverberate throughout the world. Eli Rosenbaum is one man who has dedicated both his personal and professional life to prosecuting those involved with the war crimes. Appointed in 1995 as ...
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Women in Castro's Cuba »

10 pages in length. Women in a repressive, male chauvinistic society -- such as in Cuba -- must do what they have to in order to survive. Unfortunately their actions, such as prostitution, serve to reinforce the very image they seek to abandon. A high percentage of ...
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History of the Arpanet »

5 pages in length. Reviews the history of the Arpanet from its beginnings, the problems it has faced and the innovation it has wrought as a forerunner to the Internet. The myth surrounding the Arpanet is that it was devised as a means to survive a nuclear war. ...
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1805 Battle of Austerlitz and Napoleon »

This 5 page report discusses The Battle of Austerlitz which took place on December 2, 1805, between the French forces led by Napoleon and the allied forces of the Russians and Austrians. The battle has often been referred to as “The Battle of the Three Emperors” because Napoleon, Francis ...
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The Development of Russian art from the Mid Nineteenth Century to the Mid Twentieth Century »

This 263 page paper examines the development of art in Russia starting from the 1860’s and the emergence of Russian realism, considering the emergence of the rebellion fourteen and the Peredvizniki, also known as the wanderers. The paper than tracks the development by looking at the development and evolution of ...
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1980s' Soviet Union »

A 5 page research paper that examines the end of the Cold War, focusing on the arms race and the Soviet Union. After World War II, the world faced another crisis, in the form of expansion by the Soviet Union of its sphere of influence. While historians and scholars differ ...
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Axis Strategies in WWII »

An eight page paper which considers the ways in which the Axis powers might have employed alternative strategies and tactics during the Second World War in order to produce an outcome more favourable to them. The writer looks specifically at Russia’s engagement with Germany on the Eastern Front, the Battle ...
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Consequences of the Cold War »

The Cold War was a war of ideology that had it's beginnings in the aftermath of World War II and the redistribution of power. The two great powers, the United States and the Soviet Union struggled for a balance of power in a world where even the definitions of peace ...
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Size of Society and Democracy »

A 5 page paper assessing the question, "Is a democracy more likely to flourish as a large or as a small republic?" Using the views of James Madison and John Stuart Mill, the paper concludes that the concept of "the greater good" is applicable to societies of any size, ...
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Power Consolidation and Revolutions in Nicaragua and Chile »

5 pages in length. In spite of significant differences, the revolutions in Chile and Nicaragua share a fundamental common trait: both revolutions failed to consolidate themselves in power and were ultimately unsuccessful. For Nicaragua, this inability to centralize power came from an authoritarian perspective; for Chile, it was the ...
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American History Website Evaluation »

7 pages in length. Tracing this country's political roots provides one the opportunity to better understand how certain governmental branches hold significantly more authority over others when it comes to issues of war and power. Two hundred twenty-five years ago, when the Constitution of the United States was ...
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