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Term Papers on Changes In European Social Groups, Economics, & Religions From 800 1400 AD

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Greensboro Sit-Ins »

A 5 page paper which examines the Greensboro sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Religion and Change from the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Century »

This 3 page paper examines how religion has affected art, politics, and science during this period in European history. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Slavery and the Cherokee Society by Theda Perdue »

A 5 page research paper that examines how slavery evolved as a facet of Cherokee society. Principally, the writer concentrates on the work of Theda Perdue, who argues in her text Slavery and the Evolution of Cherokee Society that the adoption of European-style slavery of Africans evolved from the Cherokee ...
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Economic Interdependence in American History »

An 8 page contention that the more things change the more they stay the same in regard to American economics. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Change Through War »

A 4 page research paper that examines the history of warfare in the 16th and 17th centuries and argues that war provided an engine for social change during this period. The writer discusses how military changes, such as increased army size, brought lasting social, financial and political change. Bibliography ...
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Foundations of the Contemporary World Cemented by the Scientific Revolution »

This 3 page paper examines the Scientific Revolution and how it laid the foundations of the modern world with regard to economics, social developments and other policies. Bibliography lists 2 sources
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1400 to 1700 Japanese Relations with the West »

This is a 5 page paper discussing Japanese foreign relations with the West between the years 1400 and 1700. The years from 1400 to 1700 in Japan covered three Japanese historical periods: the Muromachi Period (1333-1573); the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573-1603); and, the Edo Period (1603-1867) which also included the great ...
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Pre European Industrial Revolution Developments »

A 5 page survey of the major developments that lead to the European Industrial Revolution. Writer traces major religious, political and economic developments from 1100 A.D. up through the Eighteenth century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Identity of Native Americans, Religion and Politics »

A 5 page paper that explores and examines the theme of the reconciliation of the heritage of Native American politics and religion with that of the heritage of the politics and religion of European colonization in twentieth century literature. Discussed and compared are John Neihardt's 1932 publication of Black ...
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U.S. Culture and Societal Impacts of the Cold War »

7 pages in length. As the Cold War reached its climactic end, it caused many people to wonder if this was the point in history where the Russians had learned to accept and support American foreign policy goals and policies. It was hoped that with the war's end, ...
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1820s and 1840s Age of the Common Man »

5 pages in length. The span of years between the 1820s and the 1840s has come to be known as The Age of the Common Man, an historical period in time in which many important changes took place in American society with regard to political, economical and social concerns. ...
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20th Century Civil Rights »

This 12 page report discusses civil rights and the civil rights movement of the past century. While it was a time of social change in America that was unprecedented, it is also essential to understand that while it accomplished much, it did not solve America’s civil liberty and racial problems. ...
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Civil Rights Movement and Civil Disobedience »

A 3 page review of the importance of non-violent tactics in the Montgomery bus boycott and the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins. The author of this paper concludes that while not all is equal in the U.S. today, these key movements served to level the playing field substantially. Bibliography ...
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Native Americans and Africans Compared »

This is an 8 page paper discussing discrimination and assimilation of African and Native Americans. African Americans and Native Americans in the United States have experienced generations of discrimination and assimilation but from somewhat different perspectives. Native Americans were the most profoundly affected by colonization and were forced into minority ...
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Autonomy and the Basques »

A 25 page paper arguing the thesis that the Basques are still waging an uphill battle for autonomy, desired since 711 A.D., and nationalism formally requested in the 1980s. The paper is divided into sections on Basque origins; social formation and politics leading to the 19th Century; 19th Century, ...
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Technology and Contemporary Civilization »

This 12 page paper considers the interactions between technology and modern civilization, with a specific analytical view of the impact of technology on social forces, including the way in which we wage war. This paper outlines the changes in military technology as they underscore social change and also assesses ...
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Concerns of Modern Native Americans »

A 6 page discussion of the many problems facing contemporary Native Americans. Traces these problems back to the initial contact with the European people who invaded Native land. Asserts that everything from the ravages of disease on modern Native Americans to struggles over land rights and the right ...
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European American Values and Native American Values »

A 3 page research paper that contrasts and compares Native American values with European-descended American values. The writer focuses, in particular, on the manner in which these two groups differ in regards to the way they perceive land. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Race Concept and its History »

14 pages in length. Drawing upon the work of David Goldberg's "Racist Culture: Philosophy and the Politics of Meaning," one can readily argue that idea of race has always combined references to what is seen as natural (fixed) and social construct, suggesting that very divergent discourses have been implemented ...
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Nineteenth Century America and the Railroad's Economic Impact »

This 8 page paper discusses the history and development of railroads in America and their economic impact on American society. The advent of the railroad and the expansion of rail service across the country changed American business, politics, and economics. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
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The Punic Wars »

This 10 page paper discusses the three Punic Wars and how they affected Roman society, economics and the military. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Airlines and Economics »

This 4-page paper discusses airline economics and price wars. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Deteriorating European Security as a Result of the Cold War »

A 7 page discussion of whether European Security has improved or deteriorated since the Cold War. The author points out that European security today is largely controlled by the United Nations, an entity controlled not by European powers but by the U.S. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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Europeans, Native Americans, and Greed »

A 5 page consideration of the motivations that characterized the early interactions between Native Americans and the Europeans that invaded their shores. European peoples not only took advantage of Native Americans but committed one atrocity after another in their attempts to prosper from them. The Native Americans, though ...
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Flute History and Use »

A 4 page paper discussing changes in the flute since the 14th century. The flute as it is known today owes many of its characteristics and qualities to the changes designed and implemented by Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) in the early 19th century. A woodwind most often used as ...
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Assessing the Market With a Demand Curve's Positive Slope »

A 5 page paper that critically assesses the argument that for some goods, the economics demand curve may exhibit a positive slope. Presented is an example using the current cola war between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola and a shift in demand curve slope that could possibly occur were ...
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A Three Part Historical Paper »

This 5 page paper is in three parts. The first half of the paper considers Europe at the end of the nineteenth century, the role of politics, economics and social background in the lead up the First World War. The second part of the paper considers what was revolutionary about ...
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Historical Overview of the Industrial Revolution »

This 5 page paper looks at different aspects of the revolution, including changes in the social environment, how people made fortunes and differences in marketing and consumption. Changes in technology are also discussed and cotton production is used as an example of the first change to spark the revolution. Bibliography ...
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Native American Culture Changes »

A 6 page review of the many changes experienced by Native American cultures since the arrival of the Europeans to this continent. Discuses the diversity of Native American cultures and the attempts by non-Natives to wipe out the Native populations either through direct warfare or through concepts like assimilation. ...
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Industrial Revolution and Great Britain »

A 5 page overview of the social and economic situation in Great Britain which resulted in the Industrial Revolution. Details the changes to the subsistence patterns of the people, the changes in their material cultures, and the changes in their philosophies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Culture and History of the Eastern Woodlands' Miami Indians »

An 8 page discussion of the Miami Indians, indigenous representatives of the Eastern Woodlands. Provides a brief history of the Miami since contact with Europeans and outlines the cultural changes which they have experienced. Emphasizes that Miami Indians today are often identical in their appearance and lifeways to ...
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Comparative Analysis of the Glorious Revolution and the Puritan Revolution »

A 9 page paper that discusses the similarities between these two events in British history. The basic premise for both of these acts of insurrection against the reigning monarchy developed from dissatisfaction in the religious status of the Parliament and the monarchy and dissent between the two. ...
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François de La Rochefoucauld and Blaise Pascal »

This 6 page report discusses François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-80) and Blaise Pascal (1623-62) who were both French, brilliant, and thoroughly involved in what has come to be thought of as the moralist tradition. Each was interested in the nature of human beings and human interaction. Each saw that social ...
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Social, Nationalistic, and Religious Grievances in the Iran Revolution of 1978 and 1979 and Lebanon's Hezbollah Movement »

A 7 page discussion of the numerous causes behind the 1978-1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and indeed behind the Hizb Allah (Hezbollah) movement in Lebanon which occurred the following year. These causes were religion, nationalistic and social. While the effects of each were focused on the Middle East, ...
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Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution »

A 7 page research paper that discusses the relationship between the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century and the Enlightenment of the eighteenth and how these eras changed the worldview of Western European society. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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The Iroquois War Club »

An 8 page investigation of the Iroquois war club. This paper describes form and function both as they existed in pre-Contact times and as they changed after contact with European cultures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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The European Perception of and Impact to Native Americans »

A 4 page discussion of the ways Native Americans and Europeans differed and how these differences translated into differences in survivability in the Americas. Although initially they had the advantage, it was the Native Americans that were forced to change in regard to their lifeways and even their spirituality. ...
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American Minorities and Culture »

This 3 page paper examines several minority groups in the United States and looks at their original cultures. How the groups have assimilated in the United States are discussed. A variety of groups are noted inclusive of Puerto Rican Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans. Different characteristics of ...
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1920s' Prohibition and Its Impact Upon U.S. Crime, Religion, and Economics »

An 8 page paper which examines the effects alcohol prohibition had on economics, religion, and crime in the United States during the 1920s. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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Comparative Analysis of Chinese American, Black American, and Native American Experiences »

In 5 pages the author compares the historical experiences of Native Americans, Black Americans, and Chinese Americans. A historical narrative of Native Americans, Black Americans, and Chinese Americans is necessary to determine the specific historical factors, social structure factors, and ideological factors that seem to have contributed to the differences ...
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Intellect in the Renaissance of the Twelfth Century »

A 5 page paper discussing the cause of the intellectual changes that occurred during the renaissance period in Europe. Many people have stated that the cause of these changes was due to the education and knowledge available through the monasteries of that time, but the monasteries were limited to the ...
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Past and Present Social Change and Prohibition »

10 pages in length. Prohibition was instrumental in creating a significant amount of social change during and after its existence; depending upon one's opinion, those changes have been construed as both good and bad. Initially, with the act of drinking being illegal, it forced people into the underground ...
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Late Nineteenth Century Presence of Europe in Southeast Asia »

This 4 page paper provides an overview of factors that influenced the European Presence in Southeast Asia near the turn of the century. Further, this paper also considers elements that impacted the maintenance of European interests following the turn of the century, including increasing development in Japan and the ...
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Early 20th Century Historical Contributions of the Average Female »

An 8 page paper looking at the way women's contributions to our culture have fundamentally altered American history in the early part of this century. The paper contends that even if women's political contributions are ignored, changing social attitudes - changed by women, from within -- toward such issues as ...
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American Family Changes »

This 5 page essay describes the changing American family, considering many aspects including gender roles, ethnic variances, longevity, blended families as well as projections for the future. The paper's position is that the traditional nuclear family was a temporary structure and has been replaced by a revised definition mostly brought ...
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Three Secondary European Wars »

Three Mini-Wars in European History: This 5-page essay examines three of the secondary wars in European history between (1700-1990). These conflicts were just as passionate, just as politically motivated, and just as deadly. However, when the fighting was over, these wars left more men standing. Bibliography lists 4 ...
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North and South Conflict and Slavery »

6 pages in length. Of the political, economic, social, and legal changes that effectively began to slowly but surely discharge just prior to the outbreak of Civil War, some of the most instrumental conflicts had to do with how blacks were treated by the whites, a social tension that ...
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Industrial Revolution Changes in Mexico »

7 pages. The years 1825-1925 marked many changes that took place in Mexico during this time of the Industrial Revolution. This paper will focus on the economic growth that was taking place and the changes in the social and economic climates of that time. Bibliography lists 5 ...
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Native American Society, Racism's Roots, and America's 'Discovery' »

A 3 page paper tracing the rampant racism which continues to target Native American people and culture to the concept of a European "discovery" of this continent. Emphasizes that although this continent and its people were very much in existence at the time of the supposed European "discovery" the ...
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A Comparative Social Change Analyisis of Pornography and Civil Rights »

This 12 page paper provides an overview of some of the major perspectives related to views on pornography and civil rights, especially in the application of legal standards and identifiable freedoms. This paper attempts to determine in which case which came first, the law or the social change and ...
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